360° interactive Virtual Spaces for your business, enriched by 2D, 3D, AR content and “gamification” for a unique and engaging user experience.

We develop the 360° spaces as “Full Custom” mode or “Predefined”, available on a dedicated platform. Visit  armarketvirtual.it to discover more.

Virtual Spaces
3D modelled

Customized Virtual Spaces developed with 3D modeling

Virtual Spaces with 360° scan

Reproduction through scan of real locations to capture any detail

Virtual Spaces
set up

Enriching the Virtual Spaces with interactive and customized content

Virtual Spaces
3D modelled

Customized Virtual Spaces developed with 3D modeling

Virtual Spaces with 360° scan

Reproduction through scan of real locations to capture detail

Virtual Spaces
set up

Enrich and customize Virtual Spaces with interactive content

Lo Spazio Virtuale

Gli Spazi Virtuali 360° offrono ambientazioni uniche ed interattive per il tuo pubblico, con opportunità illimitate di personalizzazione e configurazione ultrarealistica tramite scansione di ambienti reali a 360° o costruita ad-hoc. Sviluppiamo in-house sia a livello grafico che a livello di animazioni e giochi per offrirti soluzioni innovative chiavi in mano.

Organizziamo il tuo spazio Virtuale

Arricchiamo il tuo Spazio Virtuale 360° con contenuti digitali 2D, 3D, animazioni, giochi, quiz, esperienze in AR e multimediali per ripensare il tuo business e l’offerta dei tuoi prodotti o servizi. I contenuti base possono essere aggiornati da te con semplicità e in piena autonomia, per una fruizione degli spazi virtuali continuativa nel tempo.

Fai vivere la tua Esperienza

Il tuo Spazio Virtuale 360° può essere posizionato sul tuo sito web o su server dedicato, facilmente fruibile e navigabile dall’utenza da desktop e device mobili fino ai visori VR per un’esperienza totalmente immersiva. La raccolta di dati comportamentali dell’utenza offre inesplorate opportunità di retargeting per il tuo marketing.

Creation of Virtual Spaces

Discover our 360° Virtual Spaces, try and enjoy the experience

Virtual Spaces for Education and Corporate Training

Target: Corporate, SMEs, Agencies, PA, Universities, Schools

Turn presentations and traditional training materials into interactive experiences to enjoy and play with, scalable on web/mobile and VR headsets.

360° Training enriched with 3D and AR visualizers, 2D and 3D games and fully immersive experiences.  Each environment generates scores that can be integrated into classic LMS systems for online training.

Virtual Spaces for Events, Fairs, Exhibitions, Fashion Shows

Target: Corporate, Media/Marketing/PR Agencies, Fashion Houses

Give new life to exhibition spaces and offer a new way to attend events virtually, to be combined with in-person events in “PhyGital” logic, where “gaming” and “wow” effect become fundamental.

Dedicated spaces for your sponsors, videoconferences and chats, streaming channels integrated in the 360° Virtual Space to offer a real omnichannel experience across online and offline.

Virtual Stores for 360° Shopping

Target: Corporate, Retailers, Fashion Houses, Distributors

Turn your physical shop or traditional e-commerce into a 360° virtual space for a unique and immersive shopping experience through interactive navigation, 3D product viewers, AR, gaming and multimedia content. Create an effective omnichannel strategy for your business.

Self-provisioning functionality for quick and easy updates of digital content.

Virtual Tours and Museums to experience Tourism and Art at 360°

Target: Tourism Agencies and Operators, Museums, Public Authorities

Create a 360° Virtual Tour to expand your offer of tourist services and offer a preview of the experience that tourists will live in the real location. Or turn the physical Museum into a Virtual one for an omnichannel experience both on site and remotely.

We integrate animated and talking Avatar guides, games, multimedia and more immersive content to offer impressive tours, producing valuable analytics to understand visitors’ expectations and interests and to optimise offers and promotions.

Lo Spazio Virtuale

Gli Spazi Virtuali 360° offrono ambientazioni uniche ed interattive per il tuo pubblico, con opportunità illimitate di personalizzazione e configurazione ultrarealistica tramite scansione di ambienti reali a 360° o costruita ad-hoc. Sviluppiamo in-house sia a livello grafico che a livello di animazioni e giochi per offrirti soluzioni innovative chiavi in mano.

Organizza il tuo spazio

Arricchiamo il tuo Spazio Virtuale 360° con contenuti digitali 2D, 3D, animazioni, giochi, quiz, esperienze in AR e multimediali per ripensare il tuo business e l’offerta dei tuoi prodotti o servizi. I contenuti base possono essere aggiornati da te con semplicità e in piena autonomia, per una fruizione degli spazi virtuali continuativa nel tempo.

Fai Vivere la tua Esperienza

Il tuo Spazio Virtuale 360° può essere posizionato sul tuo sito web o su server dedicato, facilmente fruibile e navigabile dall’utenza da desktop e device mobili fino ai visori VR per un’esperienza totalmente immersiva. La raccolta di dati comportamentali dell’utenza offre inesplorate opportunità di retargeting per il tuo marketing.

Discover our 360 ° AR-VR environments and choose an experience to live.

Virtual Spaces for Education and Corporate Training

Target: Corporate, SMEs, Agencies, PA, Universities, Schools

Turn presentations and traditional training materials into interactive experiences to enjoy and play with, scalable on web/mobile and VR headsets.

360° Training enriched with 3D and AR visualizers, 2D and 3D games and fully immersive experiences.  Each environment generates scores that can be integrated into classic LMS systems for online training.

Virtual Spaces for Events, Fairs, Exhibitions, Fashion Shows

Target: Corporate, Media/Marketing/PR Agencies, Fashion Houses

Give new life to exhibition spaces and offer a new way to attend events virtually, to be combined with in-person events in “PhyGital” logic, where “gaming” and “wow” effect become fundamental.

Dedicated spaces for your sponsors, videoconferences and chats, streaming channels integrated in the 360° Virtual Space to offer a real omnichannel experience across online and offline.

Virtual Spaces for 360° Shopping

Target: Corporate, Retailers, Fashion Houses, Distributors

Turn your physical shop or traditional e-commerce into a 360° virtual space for a unique and immersive shopping experience through interactive navigation, 3D product viewers, AR, gaming and multimedia content. Create an effective omnichannel strategy for your business.

Self-provisioning functionality for quick and easy updates of digital content.

Virtual Tours and Museums to experience Tourism and Art at 360°

Target: Tourism Agencies and Operators, Museums, Public Authorities

Create a 360° Virtual Tour to expand your offer of tourist services and offer a preview of the experience that tourists will live in the real location. Or turn the physical Museum into a Virtual one for an omnichannel experience both on site and remotely.

We integrate animated and talking Avatar guides, games, multimedia and more immersive content to offer impressive tours, producing valuable analytics to understand visitors’ expectations and interests and to optimise offers and promotions.

Discover more

solutions for your business